Sunday, December 24, 2017


Zakat by language means growing, growing, sanctifying and praising. While the meaning of zakat in the perspective of the terminology of Islam is to issue a number of parts that have been determined according to the syara of the property specified and submitted to certain groups in a certain way. Zakat according to some scholars, namely:
1.         According to Imam Malik
Issuance of a special portion of the special treasury which has reached nisab (the limits of the quantity obligating zakat) to the people entitled to receive it with the record of ownership is full and reaches haul, not the mine and not the agriculture
2.         According to Madya Syafii
An expression for the disposal of a treasure or body in a special way
3.         According to the Hanbali school
Rights that must be excluded from special property for special groups as well
4.         According to Malikiyah
Issuance of a certain portion of certain property that has reached nishab to the person entitled to receive, if ownership, haul (even one year) has been perfect in addition to minerals, plants and findings.
5.         According to Hanafiyah
The granting of property rights to certain property of certain property to certain persons determined by the Shari'a, merely because of Allah SWT.[1]
6.         According to Shafi'iyah
Name for goods issued for property or entity (human self to zakat fitrah) to certain parties.
7.         According to Hanabillah
The right that is obligated to certain property to a certain group at a certain time.[2]

Thus zakat is that every treasure that has been issued zakat will be holy, clean, good, bless, grow and develop.


MEANING: "Take zakat from some of their property, with that charity you clean and purify them and pray for them. Verily, your prayer is a serenity for them. And Allah is Hearing, Knower."          

QS. AR RUM : 39

MEANING: "And something riba (additional) that you give so that he increases on human property, then usury does not add to the side of Allah SWT. And what do you give in the form of zakat you mean to achieve the pleasure of Allah SWT. So (so do) it is those who multiply (reward) "

Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam, which is its kefardhuan. Zakat was frozen in Madinah in the month of Shawwal in the second year of Hijri after the Ramadhan fasting chapel and the zakat fitrah. However, zakat fitrah is not obligatory for prophets by ijma '. For, zakat fitrah is a sanctified tool of the people who may be dirty, while the prophets are free from dirt. Because, what is in their hands is a deposit from Allah SWT. They have no ownership. They are also not inherited. Zakat coincides with the prayers in the Qur'an at eighty-four, which shows the perfection of the relationship between the two.

Zakat must be due to kitabullah, sunnah of the Prophet, and ijma 'of the Muslims. The basic kitabullah about the command to pay zakat is as follows,

MEANING: "And establish prayer, pay zakat and bow with the people who ruku '."

MEANING: "Take zakat from some of their property, with that charity you clean and purify them and pray for them. Verily, your prayer is a serenity for them. And Allah is Hearing, Knower."        

The basic sunnah is on the words of Prophet Muhammad SAW,
بني الأسلام على خمس.... وايتاءالزكاة. رواه البخارى ومسلم
MEANING: "Islam is assumed on the 5 foundations ... to pay zakat"[3]

Prophet Muhammad SAW, sent Mu'adz to Yemen and said,
علمهم انالله قد افترض عليهم صدقت تؤخذ من اغنيا ئهم فترد على فقر ائهم
MEANING: "Let them know that Allah requires them the shadaqah taken by their rich men, returned to their paupers."

Based on the verses and sunnah above. Obviously, the issue of zakat is mandatory as one of the pillars of Islam.

[1] The word "granting of property rights" is not included in it "something the law permits." Therefore, if someone gives orphan food with zakat intention, then it is not enough as zakat. Unless the person handed over the food to the orphan, as if the person was giving clothes to the orphan. It is with the condition that the orphan understood well the recipient of the goods.

[2] If someone lets a poor person stay home for a year, while his zakat intentions, then this is not enough to be the zakat of the person. Part of the point, the level to be paid (issued). Certain property is the nishab that has been determined according to syara '. Certain people are the ones who are entitled to receive zakat. The phrase "prescribed by the Shari'a" means a certain seventh nishab which has passed one year except the shadaqah sunnah and the zakat fitrah. The phrase "for Allah SWT" means with the purpose of obtaining the pleasure of Allah SWT.
The particular group is meant by the eight groups mentioned by the word of Allah SWT,

MEANING: "Those zakat are only for the poor, the poor, the managers of zakat, the mu'allaf who are persuaded their hearts, to (liberate) the slaves, the debtors, for the way of Allah and for them yuang are on the way, as an obligatory provision of Allah, and Allah is Knower, Wise. "
One year's time is for livestock, money, merchandise; when it is hardened for seed; when it looks good which is the obligatory zakat for fruit; when there is already a zakat obligation in it for honey; when issuing matters to be zoned for minerals; when sunset on the night of Eid al-Fitr for the obligation of zakat fitrah.
Words are required to exclude rights that are alienated such as starting a greeting, escorting the corpse. Speeches for treasures exclude greeting remarks and the like. Certain sayings exclude what is mandatory for all assets such as debt and livelihood.

[3] The third hadith Arba'in Nawawi which means "From Abu Abdurrahman Abdullah bin Umar bin Khattab ra. Said: I heard the Prophet SAW, said, 'Islam is founded on the five foundations, testifying that there is no god except Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing Salat, performing Zakat, Hajj to the House of God, in the month of Ramadan '"(Bukhari and Muslim)

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